Introduction Audio
Hieros Gamos is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite.
Introduction Audio
Required Reading
Much of this knowledge has been esoteric and hidden for centuries in many Mystery School teachings and Ancient Wisdom philosophies that carried down this knowledge through certain blood lineages.
Required Reading
ES Core Triad
Build the spiritual house for your highest consciousness. Practice ES Core Triad Daily to build spiritual strength.
ES Core Triad
Spiritual Maturity
To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way.
Learn Spiritual Maturity

It is suggested as a new user to begin the 12 D shield process and to apply the ES Core Triad Practices in daily life to build and strengthen one's aura as well as discipline the mental body. Upon developing a confident skill set and mental focus with the ES Core Triad, the Three Steps and Daily Guidelines, then move to activate your higher mental body located in your 5D soul mind matrix body. This is to consciously participate with one's soul energies by moving the mental body "station" located in the 3D solar plexus, (which is the conscious mind personality or ego station) up to the location of one's 5D soul mental body. This meditation is to help one activate the 5D Mentor level of intelligence. This helps one to station one's awareness above the 3D ego vibration and into the 5D higher mind vibration as the beginning step to build a consciousness bridge for multidimensional perception. 

Please focus intention in meditation to activate the consciousness bridge for multidimensional perception and to shift out of your 3D ego programs. 

5D Higher Mind Integration (24 minutes)

The 5D Higher Mind Integration Meditation. Activate the Higher Mind functions within your 5D lightbody. Expand your mental field intelligence by upgrading the harmonic tone of your 3D mental body to be upgraded to the 5D Soul intelligence level. This will serve to translate information from other levels of your consciousness and support the 2009 5D planetary upgrade.

After consciously participating with the desire to prepare one's spiritual foundation by developing a skill set with the ES Core Triad, then the Higher Mind Mentor meditation, please move on to the next phase with the HGS Calibration. The HGS Calibration Manual is on the next page.