Ascension Library
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness.
Science of Ascension
Meditation helps to clear Negative Ego and the Pain Body which develops Consciousness.
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Dimensions are fixed groupings of energy within specific geometric arranged forms (space and time) and are built upon crystallized conscious units of sound and light called Morphogenetic Fields or manifestation templates of the 12 Tree Grid.
Krystal Aegis Section
Temple of Loving Kindness
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Ray Body and Ray Identity Clearing


In this meditation we will address radial body code healing for each layer as it corresponds to each ray identity force. Our universe is composed of multiple, energetic ray spectrums that vitalize and move consciousness intelligence throughout our energetic chakra and 12 tree spherical systems. There are ray configurations of energy wave spectrum that influence your body, your ego personality. These ray configurations are in a specific organization of the soul and higher bodies, and are intrinsic to the spiritual blueprint patterns, which are the highest expression for your spiritual purpose.

Please prepare for meditation.

Beloved Holy Presence of God, Holy Mother, Father, Christ Sophia. May we open all channels of Light. May our communication and spiritual links be fully connected and resonant with the Eternal Living Light code.

As we call upon our Group Avatar Christ Selves, the Guardian Races, Guardian Mentor Band and those that serve our Starseed Families of Light and Krystal Star. As we are aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, may we work together for the highest capacity of exchange.

We declare our intention from our heart to resolve any authority issues, as we serve God and Oneness.

Now activate your own inner Spirit. Intend to connect to your inner core and activate or amplify your core shield. From within your 12th dimensional shield, now intend to connect with Unity Intelligence of the Krystal Star.

As we take a nice, deep breath. Exhaling out. Feeling the breath coming from your heart pattern into your personal space for boundary test.

I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free.

We call upon our Beloved Holy Mother and Mother Arc, our Aurora families to connect with the re-animator forces of Aurora Ray. We call upon the Aurora amplifiers and aspects of the mirrored reflection within our Krystal Kaleidoscope Aurora to support the re-encryption of the cellular bodies and their spiritual energetic memories to be remade in God's Holy image.

May each of our personal ascension guides and ascension teams only utilize what is required in Divine perfection of God's plan and God's perfect will. For those new with us, please provide the sequence levels required to activate each being into their God Spirit Lightbody in Divine harmony and Divine grace of God.

We hold the intention to build strongly the collective ray bodies to house the entire inner spiritual Light presence, preparing our bodies to hold Krystal Star Aurora Color Rays.

Now focus a moment on the outer sensation of your physical body. Move your awareness on your physical body from bottom to top. Begin to sense your toes, your feet. Now moving your awareness up towards your legs, your hips, up your torso, and chest. Now sense your neck, your face, your head and crown. Intend to feel deeply and connect, to communicate with your physical body.

Now ask what is the blueprint color of my physical ray?

We will go through sets of ray colors. When you feel an animation towards a ray color or a ray color comes into your mind, keep your focus on that color or colors and intend to imagine your physical body in that specific arrangement of color. Do not allow yourself to make a judgment of the quality of the color that appears in your mind. Focus on the color waves that you sense and only observe the color from total and complete neutrality, as it is. Stay in the observer point.

Is my physical ray: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, silver, gold, white or rainbow?

Hold the color or color patterns that came into your mind. Imagine your physical body, its outward appearance in this color. Feel this color saturating your cells, your body, your fleshly being.

Beloved Holy Mother and Father God. We hold the physical aspect of our ray bodies for Aurora Color Ray saturation.

Now imagine above your head that you can see a vast, energetic outline of the Rainbow Orb Aurora spiritual body. Now it is directing plasma Light beams to fill your body's cells. Feel this Rainbow Orb of Plasma Light overlaying your physical body, saturating your cells, fully enmeshed with every layer, every pore of your body. Feeling the comforting warmth of the gentle waves of Plasma Light. Allow the Rainbow Plasma Light to fully encompass your entire physical body.

Beloveds, please direct 12-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 24-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 36-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Now bring your focus for a moment on your instinctual emotional body. Move your awareness towards how you feel right now. Begin to sense your feelings and sensations to the environment. Sense your breath and the ability to feel and touch.

Bring yourself into calm, peaceful feelings. Bring a state of even deeper stillness, intending to connect and communicate with your instinctual layers of the emotional body.

Now ask what is the blueprint color of my instinctual emotional ray?

We will go through sets of ray colors. When you feel an animation towards a ray color, keep your focus on that color or color pattern. And then intend to imagine your instinctual and emotional body in that specific arrangement of color.

Is my instinctual emotional ray: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, silver, gold, white or rainbow?

Hold the color or color pattern that came into your mind. Imagine your instinctual emotional body, connecting to this level. Now feel this color saturate your cells, saturate your body. Your emotional body and feeling state of being.

Beloved Holy Mother and Father God. We hold the instinctual emotional aspect of our ray bodies for Aurora Color Ray saturation.

Now imagine above your head, seeing the outline of the Rainbow Orb Aurora spiritual body, which is now directing plasma Light beams to fill your body's cells. Feel this Rainbow Orb of Plasma Light overlaying your emotional body, your instinctual body. Saturating your cells, fully enmeshed with every layer, every pore of your body. Feeling the inner peace and comforting warmth of the Plasma Light. Allow the Rainbow Plasma to fully encompass your entire instinctual emotional and physical body.

Beloveds, please direct 12-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 24-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 36-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

We continue with Simple Triad Sweep, running through each body: physical ray, an instinctual emotional ray.

Clear miasma, addiction, parasites, entities, suppressors, alien software, mind control. Please perform body retrievals. Collapse false timelines and seal the aura.

Now focus a moment on the many thoughts you may have in your mental body. Move your awareness towards what you are thinking right now. Sense your thoughts. Thoughts that form into shapes and substance. Thoughts are things.

Now sense your breath and ability to feel connected to your thoughts. Now bring in a state of nothingness. No thought in your mind like a white board with an eraser. Take the eraser and clear your thoughts to no thing.

Now ask what is the blueprint color of my mental body ray?

We will go through the ray colors. When you feel an animation towards a ray color, keep your focus on that color and intend to imagine your mental body in that specific arrangement of color.

Is my mental body ray: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, silver, gold, white or rainbow?

Hold the color pattern that came into your mind. Imagine your thought substance now connecting to this level of the mental body. Feel this color saturate your cells, your body, your emotional body and now your mental body.

Beloved Holy Mother and Father God. We hold the mental body aspect of our ray bodies for Aurora Color Ray saturation.

Now imagine the Rainbow Orb Aurora spiritual body over your head, gently directing plasma Light beams to fill your body's cells. Feel this Rainbow Orb of Plasma Light overlaying your mental body. Saturating your cells, fully enmeshed within every layer and every pore. Feel the comforting warmth of the gentle waves of Plasma Light. Allow the Rainbow Plasma to fully encompass your entire mental body, emotional body and physical body.

Beloveds, please direct 12-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 24-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 36-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

STS sweep. Run through each body. System-to-system integrate.

Now bring your focus upon your heart. Focus upon deeper feelings of love that you feel. Bring to mind something or someone or a place that brings you to a place of deep, unconditional love.

Move your awareness towards that feeling of incredible love. Feeling the joy of loving. Begin to sense your loving feelings moving in your breath. Sense your breath and ability to feel love moving throughout your breath. Seeing your breath filled with love. See love as it is, in its pure state of existence. It is everywhere.

Now ask what is the blueprint color of my soul body ray?

We will go through the ray colors, now. When you feel an animation intend to imagine in your soul body that specific arrangement of color.

Is my soul body ray: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, silver, gold, white or rainbow?

Hold the color pattern that came into your mind. Imagine now connecting to this level of your soul body. Feel these colors saturating your cells. Your soul body colors enmeshed with the colors of your emotional body, your mental body, your physical body.

Beloved Holy Mother and Father God. We hold the soul body aspect of our ray bodies for Aurora Color Ray saturation.

Imagine above your head, the Rainbow Orb Aurora spiritual body gently directing plasma Light beams to fill your body's cells. Feel these Rainbow Orbs of Plasma Light overlaying your physical body. Saturating your cells, enmeshed with every layer. Feel the comforting warmth of these waves moving into the physical body, emotional body, mental body and fully encompassing your entire soul body.

Beloveds, please direct 48-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 60-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 72-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Simple Triad Sweep. Run through each body.

Seal the aura.

Now focus a moment on your thymus area. Feel the Diamond Light reflection in your chest. See the Krystal Light reflections move into feelings of love rays that emanate into your head. Sense the incredible wisdom in your Diamond Body that connects energies from the heart to the head, and out of your crown.

Bring your awareness towards the feeling of incredible love within perfect stillness and wisdom. Begin to sense your consciousness expansion in your breath, leading out of your chest and moving into the energetic field and environment.

Now ask what is the blueprint color of my monadic body ray?

As we go through the ray colors, when you feel an animation towards a color or one comes in your mind, imagine in your monadic body that specific arrangement of color.

Is my monadic body ray: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, silver, gold, white or rainbow?

Hold the color and its pattern that came into your mind. Imagine you’re now connecting to this level of your monadic body. Feel these colors saturating your cells, your monadic body colors enmeshed with the colors of your soul body, your emotional body, your mental body, your physical body.

Beloved Holy Mother and Father God. We hold the monadic body aspect of our ray bodies for Aurora Color Ray saturation.

Now imagine above your head, the Rainbow Orb Aurora body gently directing plasma Light beams to fill your body's cells. Feel this Rainbow Orb of Plasma Light overlay your physical body and saturating your cells. Allow the Rainbow Plasma Light to fully encompass your entire monadic body.

Beloveds, please direct 84-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 96-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please direct 108-code color harmonic healing. Base tone, over tone, unite with resonant tones.

STS sweep throughout each body.

Beloveds, calibrate vertical, horizontal and diagonal rotation.

Beloveds, calibrate vertical, horizontal, diagonal spin.

Beloveds, please trinitize form. Reconnect circuitry into merkabic field of proper harmonic structure.

Please balance, center and stabilize the core, and perform system-to-system integration.

Holy Christos of the Double Diamond Sun, please prepare the transmission of resonant harmonic key structure required for my Diamond Sun Body and Krystal consciousness in all physical, emotional, mental, soul and monadic layers in this identity and within all identities in the parallels as color saturated through the Aurora Rays.

STS sweep collective consciousness, genetic links, ancestral record, and 12-tribe layers, throughout all timelines – past, present and future.

I request all of my bodies parts returned, re-encrypted through the Aurora Ray code color harmonic healing, uniting with resonant tones.

Beloveds, please take this through the blueprint structures, cellular, DNA, chromosomal, molecular, atomic, subatomic, nuclei, subnuclei, quantum field, energy-to-form, form-to-energy, birth transduction and morphogenetic imprint.

Please perform past-to-future reorganization in inner space time.

Please continue with corrections in the unmanifest to manifest levels. Remove all artificial machinery and inserts.

Please help me to clear miasma, black matter and superimposed karmic loads from any identity in time or space. Fully reclaimed in the consciousness of Christ, liberated and free.

Beloveds, please clear the outer space time influence by removing blockages in time, oppressions in time.

I am committed to expand my consciousness in service to God as the son and daughter, Christ Sophia.

Please clear all memory and influences, permanently and completely.

Set Free.
Sovereign Zero Point.

Simple Triad Sweep.

Collapse the time fields. And seal the session aura.

Bring your focus back on your breath. Feeling the sensation of your head, your shoulders, your arms, hands, torso, pelvis. Moving into your legs and feet. Firmly grounding your physical presence. Fully integrate physical core with mental core, emotional core, spiritual core.

Taking in a nice, deep breath. In your breath seeing the rainbow colors of every hue of Aurora. Pastel Lights and color waves running through your body, your center, your deepest hearts. KRYST HALA.

Beloveds, we thank you for this opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence, we are home in the Light. Our infinite stream of love is with you in all ways.

We seal our session. We seal our container into the Light of wholeness and union.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.