If we are a person that has primarily linear, mental and social orientation, it takes devotion and discipline to reach discernment of one’s mental impulses and develop Self Awareness. Our society has developed our negative ego as the primary identity of which is recognized as the self. The stronger and more dominating the Ego Mind, the higher the academic pursuit or repetitive conditioning, those groups of people have the hardest time naturally recognizing negative ego, false identity and releasing the Mind Control.
When learning about the functions of the mind it may seem like a purely educational study. However, this is the key to transcending the Negative Ego, transcending mind control which oppress higher Consciousness and suppress higher sensory and feeling functions. One cannot only think themselves to higher consciousness. One must allow the deeper feelings, emotions and sensory experience to override the strict intellectual control the ego has over the body and mind. See ES Core Triad.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego

It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, soul fragmentation and spiritual disconnection. When people are utterly controlled by negative ego dysfunction and have no impulse control and they live in self-deception. A person who is deceiving themselves has no other alternative but to deceive others because they have little to no clarity.
As we build better and practical ways of discerning trustworthiness and competency, we also gain confidence to build stronger intuition in such matters, where the checklist is not required. As is made clear here in these checklists, the more severe the Negative Ego dysfunction the more potentially disconnected the person is from their heart, intuition, self-awareness and spiritual source. This immediately gives one a gauge to measure what level a person can be trusted, no matter what words they may be speaking.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego

The Controllers have zero power over you (one's thoughts and emotional state) when you are outside of their frequency reach by maintaining neutral balance or the Observer Point. If you stay out of mental and emotional polarity (inferior and superior thought forms) it is very hard for them to manipulate or control you. The Controllers have no access to control Now Moment Consciousness and do not understand the self-organization of God Force in Action as the Compassionate Witness. When you are capable to maintain and then embody energetic balance (through observer with no attachment to outcome) God Forces can access your being and bring resolution, reconciliation and peace to the most despairing of circumstances. Remember Fear closes the door to God Force while holding the inner Balance (Peace and Love) opens it.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego

We realize that there is so much variety in the individual Ascension Stages and our material compiled here may be overwhelming to navigate. Please take in only what feels right for you and discard the rest. However, we have some quick suggestions on how to begin right now. Take a 30 day challenge with the 12D Shield and refocusing your Ego Mind and see the results you get with daily use!
Please be aware that ES Community is an online study environment of ES materials, and although we are focused on Ascension support, the mission of the organization is centered around studies and practices of the Law of One, and a spiritual commitment to clearing negative ego, mind control, and developing an basic awareness of context and use of ES related terms.
- Category: Clear Negative Ego
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Top 5 Archontic Strategies
The Big Five AD Strategies to generate Archontic Deception Behavior that influences the collective into feeding Negative Ego Behaviors via Mind Control technologies, thus spreading anti-human value systems into society and the human public are:
1. Divide and Conquer
2. Victim/Victimizer
3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery
4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice
5. Misogyny
To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and their anti-life forces which abuse its mechanism. These AD Behaviors and attitudes are propagated by the Controllers to create Mind Control bondage and enslavement of the human race and thus the planet. To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how Satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart and soul of human beings, let’s review both sides of spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF) and spiritually abusive behaviors (AD). Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free or GSF behaviors.
Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception or AD Behaviors.The goal with the below discernment guideline is to identify and locate these spiritually abusive AD Behaviors in yourself, others and in any external organization of which you participate and to transform them through practicing GSF Behaviors. All decisions one is able to make from an informed position by identifying AD behaviors will increase personal discernment and energetic resonance of GSF in one’s life. The only thing any person can change is themselves through their heart responses and behaviors. Change starts within.