PSD #5 Discussion (PSD Class 5 is in ES SHOP)
The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the exploration of the topic of Karmic Return. This Ascension cycle has much energy seeking balance and clearing, much of this is sourcing from ancestor lineage and other lifetime experiences. How does Karma make one feel psychically attacked? We will discuss more of karma and its effect upon us, especially now!
Karmic Return
Many of the things that happen to people in their lives, which they may presume are attacks or bad luck, are in fact cycles of karma returning to be balanced. The basic law of karma states as what you sow is what you reap, what you put out comes back to you. This is the Universal Law of cause and effect. The interesting thing about Karma is that it extends over many lives. For a long time on Earth and due to the shortened life spans and the lack of awareness of humanity, karma tended to carry over into many future lives. This compounded the problem, as future selves were unaware of this carried-over karma and unwittingly added more. Many incarnates see themselves as 'victims' of whatever has transpired in their lives thinking they had done nothing to deserve bad luck or problems. In fact many of these events are simply lifetime lessons to achieve and gain more self mastery, self realization and soul growth. Many times the energies of karma are administered impersonally, as it is directly linked to the way natural laws of energy behave in that dimension and the human beings energy field of consciousness ( as incarnated) that houses every instruction set and soul agreement for that lifetime and the karmic influence of other lifetimes. By virtue of the simple mechanics of the operation of the dimensional laws, the human being is subject to those laws and plugged into that energy as soon as the body is birthed into physical manifestation at that level. That means the soul planned its incarnational karmic contracts and aspired to resolve and transcend that karmic instruction set in its lifetime for various purposes of evolution.
- Category: Psychic Self Defense
PSD# 6 Discussion ( PSD Class 6 is in ES Shop)
Superimpositional Forces
Dear Family,
This Week 6 of the Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of – Superimpositional forces upon a Human Energy Field or in simpler terms, an unprovoked energy drain or attack by another. This is a dicey subject matter to language and therefore I making my best attempt to bring some intelligibility to comprehending such phenomena within the ethereal worlds. The point is this series is intended to inform and provoke thought, never to evoke fear. Utilize this information for your empowerment.
To continue this topic over the next weeks, we must intend to explore with neutrality, intuitive discernment and an open mind. As from the perception of an “investigative reporter” motivated to gain greater knowledge of the truths and the complexities that we ARE, and how that “mechanism” of our energetic existence interacts within the dynamics of our world. Every cell, every pore of our energy field is held within an immense layering of other fields that connects us all to each other and to the even vaster levels of a” Unified Field” of all creation. We are One with the Universe and All creation, as It is One with Us. Nothing we do, think or create is separate.
- Category: Psychic Self Defense
PSD #7 Discussion ( PSD Class 7 is in ES Shop)
Star Seeds
Dear Family,
The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of - Forces resistant to your Lightwork, Healing work or Conscious support of Ascension. You may ask the question “Why?” We will begin to understand more of the planetary dynamics of evolution and how it is inextricably woven into the genetic and energetic potential of the Human Being. The planets evolution to shift to higher frequency planes is directly related to the levels of critical mass of energy placement held in the Human Being’s energy field.
In this newsletter we will begin to define some terms, such as “Star Seed”, as it will become more apparent as to why certain groups of people are more vulnerable to energy attacks. I want to share what I have experienced myself and within my Lightworker-Star Seed group family to prepare and strengthen us on every level as we move forward into the new paradigms. This is presented with intended objectivity as we need to remain in neutrality to claim and “be” our personal power. Allow this to process and witness your emotion without identifying with it.
- Category: Psychic Self Defense
Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE) Removal
There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness. As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form and move the planetary awareness toward the light, the survival and force of darkness on this planet is threatened.
During this time of shift into a higher consciousness and the resultant need to create new paradigms, there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet. These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, negative implants, tags and entities that diminish the quality of your energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing your precious resources. Hence suppressing your ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live your maximum soul’s potential of experiencing joy, bliss and freedom on the Earth Plane.
- Category: Psychic Self Defense
Suggested for You
Manipulators tend to use Gaslighting techniques and like to take any statement that has been said and turn it around or twist its meaning in order to use it against you. Usually manipulators are good with using Doublespeak to add confusion to the conversation that will be mixed with ambiguous language that when it all adds up, does not make any logical sense. Many times it’s a lot of words, with no meaning or substance. Sometimes a part of it may make sense but the rest of the conversation has no connection to what has been said in the discussion. Doublespeak is a lack of Coherence, the person may come off as intelligent using certain words, but they are either confused or attempting to confuse others away from seeing the truth in the matter. You may have listened to this person talk for an hour, and have no idea what the point really was in the conversation, except that it derailed from the original topic. Doublespeak in relationships with close emotional bonds and will effectively destroy the trust and intimacy between people. When we use private or vulnerable issues that are used as a weapon for doublespeak manipulation, it is emotionally damaging. Speaking what you mean honestly and expressing clear, and accurate words, is extremely important. Say what you mean and do what you say.
Doublethink is the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy and Neutrality. Also related is cognitive dissonance, in which contradictory beliefs cause conflict in one's mind. Doublethink is notable due to a lack of cognitive dissonance — thus the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.
Confusion Tactics
- Confusion: Manipulators employ tactics to divert attention from the real issue, to argue and create dissent specifically with intent to confuse the issue, confuse the group, or deliberately use ambiguity or Doublespeak in order to deceive or mislead. This is many times shows up as, “do not look here, let me confuse you to stay focused on minutiae of unrelated details, or divert energy and attention to me and my agenda”.