Electromagnetic Signals are directly responsible for the electromagnetic wave representation that we access. This can be through of any kind of data transmission and its energetic frequency signature. Data transmission is communication of energetic information, by the transmission or propagation of ranges of frequencies that form unique Electromagnetic Signals. When we receive spiritual initiations we are receiving data transmissions into our Lightbody. These frequency downloads, which allow us to embody higher frequencies are made through Electromagnetic Signals.
- Category: Science of Ascension

Energetic Polarity is Gender Principle of Creation: All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, The Natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Law of Pair of Opposites. One will notice the same repeated pattern in absolutely every energetic force or form in matter. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. This is represented also within our Gender bodies,which expresses as a polarity in matter form (male or female). While our physical body exists in one polarity form in matter, our internal energies exist at both male and female principles. Our right side is “electric” and works as a transmitter, which is the active force principle of the male gender CW Male. Our left side is “magnetic” and works as a receiver, which is the passive force principle of the female gender CCW Female.
- Category: Science of Ascension

In our Ascension model, we recognize and work with 15 waves of the Spectrum of Frequency that correlate directly with the Universal Rays, dimensions of time, and how our individual energy centers (also referred to as Chakra systems), are connected to those dimensions of time that exist in the multidimensional Universe. The first nine layers of the Spectrum of Frequency, can also be called Kundalini currents, which include the levels of the lower particle currents that make up the physical matter worlds. Above the nine dimensions are the anti-particle dimensions, which are the Blueprint forms of liquid Plasma light or hydroplasmic currents. The amount of energy stored in the personal Kundalini current, is the capacity of the genetic code to hold the higher Consciousnessenergy. The Soul and spiritual energies that cannot integrate into the DNA to be activated, will be stored in the Kundalini center that is located in the base of the spine.
- Category: Science of Ascension

In science, Entropy is defined as a loss of energy in human systems, and makes the tendency of that system to become increasingly disorganized and less efficient due to gradual energy loss within the system. Entropy or the loss of energy is what makes a system break down, fall apart, instigate chaos, and function far less efficiently. Understanding how the concept of entropy works from micro to macro levels in our Universe, will help us to understand the impact and effect of energy loss, energy siphoning and energetic harvesting made upon living systems. It is supportive to our spiritual growth and consciousness expansion to be able to identify when and where entropy is present and influencing our lives, in order to clear or resolve its harmful effects.
- Category: Science of Ascension